Warmed up for a classic doubleheader? Doc Johnsons 12 inch Jr. Double Header Dong has a phallic head on each end and a veined shaft for stimulating double penetration. The dong is flexible for individuals and just the right length to share with a partner. It is made from phthalate-free body safe material, which includes Doc's antibacterial Sil-A-Gel formula and is Proudly Made in America. 12 inch Double Dong Use With A Partner or Alone Phthalate-free Antibacterial Sil-A-Gel Formula Proudly Made In America
Care and Maintenance
Wash With Warm Water And Antibacterial Soap, or With Doc Johnson's Toy Cleaner. Pat Dry. Store In A Clean Dry Place
Care and Maintenance
Wash With Warm Water And Antibacterial Soap, or With Doc Johnson's Toy Cleaner. Pat Dry. Store In A Clean Dry Place